A message from our CEO/Co-Founder of DishPal: COVID-19 update!

a message on covid 19 dishpal
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How is DishPal taking precautions for its users/drivers/restaurants?

For the past couple of weeks, DishPal has been keeping a close look on the COVID-19 situation. DishPal partnered restaurants, users, and pals have had a lot of uncertainty and questions on their minds about this situation which is blowing up. I wanted to personally reach out to you and let you know what can be expected by our food delivery service in this period of time.

It has been released in the media that restaurants/businesses have been restricted to their operations. Media are announcing that individuals should take advantage of Food delivery/pickup services to reduce contact with other people. Furthermore, there has been recent talk about no transference of COVID-19 in food packaging. However, DishPal is taking extra precautions with every step and has been in communication with partnered restaurants and drivers on how to proceed with safety.

DishPal has wasted no time taking precautions and has already changed the standard delivery method to CONTACTLESS DELIVERY to reduce the amount of contact between each individual.

DishPal would like you to know that the health and safety of our fellow community members are taken very seriously. I would like to remind you once more that all deliveries will be CONTACTLESS! If you have any other requests for our delivery “Pals” you may provide them in the delivery instructions at the checkout. 

Assigned “Pals” may also, reach out to you through a call or text message to confirm any instructions that were made.

Please follow the instructions below to request CONTACTLESS DELIVERY:

  1. Text or Call: Please remind your “Pal” by placing a call or text to receive CONTACTLESS delivery.
  2. Delivery Instructions: Please write clear instructions about drop-off locations and instructions.
  3. Confirmation: Once, your order has been placed securely & safely at your drop-off location, the “Pal” will alert you by placing a text or call to your number provided.

How is DishPal helping out local businesses during the COVID-19 situation?

As the COVID-19 the situation is spreading, more and more restaurants have been asked to close for dine-in which has resulted in a loss for many restaurants. This loss has made it hard for restaurant owners to manage the expense of employees and other daily costs. However, restaurants are doing take-out and the best way to get your favorite food is to order though food delivery services and opt for pickup or delivery.

To support local restaurants, DishPal has decided to partner with any restaurant at a commission of 0% for the first month. DishPal will also invest more in marketing for partnered restaurants to get their sales up, so they can manage their daily expenses.

How is DishPal supporting individuals with financial problems?

At DishPal, we know this situation has put many individuals in a difficult time. We would like to help all existing DishPal users by waiving all delivery fees for all restaurants at all locations. We have partnered with restaurants to provide the best in-app coupons and offers to get your food at the best price possible.
We would like to thank everybody for their cooperation with us and would like you to know that DishPal is here for you in the COVID-19 situation.
Please feel free to call DishPal at 1-855-966-3474 if you would like to speak about the COVID-19 situation and how DishPal is handling the situation or if you would like some tips on how to stay safe during the COVID-19 situation.
Safety First,
DishPal Ceo/Co-Founder


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